Parent Governor

We are looking for two enthusiastic parents/carers who would like to become school governors.

What does the governing body do?

We help plan the school’s future and the direction it takes, support the headteacher and staff and monitor the school’s finances.  More generally (and in normal times!), the governors enjoy being involved in the life of the school, getting to know the staff and the children and helping out in a variety of ways.  You don’t need to be an expert in the field of education or have any previous experience to be a governor – training is given when you start.

How much time does it take?

The full governing body meets twice each term, generally at 4.30 on a Tuesday.  In addition, we have several committees who will also meet a couple of times a term. This means that governors can expect to spend about 7/8 hours each term on governor business, although many like to get involved on a more frequent basis.

What’s in it for me?

Parent governors say that they appreciate gaining a deeper understanding of how the school operates and enjoy being able to have an influence in the running of the school. They often just enjoy being able to give something back to the school.  The governing body benefits greatly from hearing the views of parents at their meetings.

Governors can claim expenses for travel and childcare to help them attend meetings.

How can I learn more?

You can contact me via email and then we can arrange to have a chat.  My email address is

We would also be delighted to welcome you to one of our governors’ meetings so that you can see what goes on.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from you.

Yours sincerely

Laura Bell

Chair of Governors

Wolverdene School